Due Dates

As your marketing team grows beyond 2-3 folks, it becomes more important to have solid processes.

One area where many teams get hung up is setting (and hitting) deadlines. Here's why and how to solve it.

The most common issue with content, landing pages, case studies, etc., is that it requires multiple teams or functions to contribute, each with its own time requirements.

For example, if a draft blog post is finished 2 days before the scheduled publish date, the people editing and creating custom images have very little time to do their work.

And it is even worse when development is required.

The best way to solve this is by setting internal due dates that are well ahead of the actual due date/publish date.

Let's walk through an example.

Target launch date: 21st of next month

  • Development needs 4 days
  • Design needs 2 days
  • Editing needs 2 days

Given weekends and a little cushion, I would set the internal due date for the content to be ready to send to editing by the 7th.

It may not always work out that way but moving towards this line of thinking makes everything more realistic, gives each function the time they need to do quality work, and removes stress.

Bonus: If you can, give teams what they need to be aligned and work asynchronously instead of linearly.