Feature Dumping

I think one of the most common problems with SaaS companies' websites is that they focus too much on what the software can do and not enough on why it matters to the prospect.

"Feature-dumping" is a common way to describe this.

Benefits and solutions are a much better way to approach this, but also just understanding how prospects view their own use case.

One great example is from my time at Sprout circa 2014.

We had a lot of great feature pages...publishing, monitoring, analytics, engagement, etc. across all social networks.

But as I looked at the site (and data) more, one thing became clear.

If a prospect wanted to know everything they could do with only Twitter profiles in our product, they would have to read every feature page in detail and try to piece it all together.

So, we created pages for each social network to showcase the product as a comprehensive solution for managing that specific network.

Takeaway: Frame your product marketing around the pain points you solve and their jobs to be done to level up your website.