Resend Emails to Non-Openers
1 min read

Resend Emails to Non-Openers

If part of your strategy for launching new features, services, or products includes emailing your database, here is an easy tactic to implement that can make a big difference.

A lot of teams will send the email to their list(s), feeling that they reached everyone with this exciting news, and move on.

But unless you have 100% open rates on your emails (if so, I want to learn from you!), not everyone on your list actually "heard" the news.

People get busy or flat-out miss emails, so in order to get it in front of more people without bothering folks who already opened the email, here's what you can do.

1. A couple of days after the first email send, create a list in your email or marketing automation tool of the contacts that received the email but didn't open it.

2. (Optional) Modify the subject line

3. Send the email to that list of folks that didn't open the first one.

That's it.

If you felt compelled, you could repeat that process one more time a few days later, but I typically feel that if they haven't opened it a second time, they probably aren't going to open it.

If your database is large, even a 10-15% increase in open rates from a subsequent send can have a material impact on the result of your launch or promotion.