This Isn't Remote Work

Don't be quick to dismiss remote work.

If the last 12 months have been your only experience with working remotely, this isn't what it is normally like.

Here's why:

1. Working remotely typically comes with the flexibility to occasionally work from a coffee shop, a co-working space, another city, etc. At home, all day, every day is not typical remote work.

2. Working remotely while in a pandemic is a lot harder, even for those of us that were already doing it. You aren't seeing your friends & family regularly, going to restaurants and concerts, or anything else fun and refreshing. That makes a big difference.

3. Many people who experienced remote work for the first time this past year were with companies that aren't remote-first and were doing the best they could to adapt. Working with companies and people that are remote-first makes a huge difference.

I spent a little over 6 months working remotely as a consultant before the pandemic started and can attest that it was still a huge shift for me when things were restricted.

So, don't write off working remotely in the future because it can be and will be much better under different circumstances.